Savannah Runnah


Current prices

$0.22 -91%
Lowest price ever
Sale ends April 10
$0.22 -91%
Lowest price ever
Sale ends April 10

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All time low
PS5 $0.22 (-91%)
PS4 $0.22 (-91%)

Spend a day in Savannah! Keep your running giraffe fed while traveling through different locations. Large trees are easier to nib at, while small bushes need your precision.
To complete the giraffe's goal, make sure to lick most of those Sun Bonuses.

  • A safe, friendly game
  • Grab collectibles on your way! Your ending depends on it!
  • Say hi to animals of savanna
  • 2 endings possible
  • 6 zones with growing difficulty
  • Adjust your reactions to the Giraffe's growing speed

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