X Invader


Current prices

$3.24 -35%
Matches previous low
Sale ends March 20

Price history

All time low
$3.24 (-35%)

β–  Play your way with a variety of builds, weapons, and perks!

β–ΊEach new run comes with randomized options!

β–  A comfortable horde shooter that is easy to pick up and play with 15 minute sessions.

β–  Lovely artwork by @Holy Potion!

β–  Synopsis

β–Ί In 2080, corrupt corporations effectively run everything.

Three major corporations attempted to crack into the hacker group Rinascita's hidden server but failed to gain access.

Fueled by a plea from a email, X, the group's greatest code cracker, sets out to break into each corporation's servers to dig up any useful information. Rinascita's other members will provide support and help X uncover the truth!

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