Vermintide - Victor 'Estalian Leather Coat' Skin

DLC for Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide


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Sale ends March 27
Xbox One

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Xbox One $0.99 (-50%)

Experience the End Times in style! This DLC contains a bold new look for the Witch Hunter Victor Saltzpyre. The new skin is applied when downloaded (to revert, simply uninstall).

The Estalian Kingdoms lie far to the south, where the threat of Chaos seems very remote. Like the Border Princes, Estalia is a collection of petty kingdoms. Unlike the Border Princes, however, Estalians face no threat from Orcs and Goblins so they mostly fight amongst themselves.
There is little evidence of the influence of Chaos in the Estalian Kingdoms, but it is there. Subtle perhaps, but no less deadly. It is not the brute power of the raging Beastman, but the hidden plotting of secret societies and cults which is eating away at distant Estalia.

There are no Witch Hunters hunting Chaos in Estalia, but worship of Myrmidia is popular. She is patron Goddess of the art and science of war and the Estalians have learned her lessons well.

Remote Play requires PS Vita system and sufficiently robust Wi-Fi connection.

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1 player
Network Players 2-4 - Full game requires PlayStation®Plus membership to access online multiplayer
Remote Play
Online Play (Required)

Software subject to license ( Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy ( & One-time license fee for play on account’s designated primary PS4™ system and other PS4™ systems when signed in with that account.

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