Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach

DLC for Tabletop Simulator


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Onl y th e hos t nee ds to** ow n thi s DLC**.

1- 4 Play ers |** Age s 13 *&* Up**

Approxi mately 60-1 20 minu tes

Pill ars of** Etern ity: Lor ds of ***th* e East ern Rea ch is** a ***1-* 4 play er car d gam e bas ed on** Obsid ian Entertai nment's award-w inning an d best-se lling Pill ars of ***Eter* nity compu ter role-pl aying gam e.

Th e play ers ar e lor ds an d ladi es wh o hir e troo ps, recr uit hero es, an d bui ld defen ses to** fen d of f fiend ish monste rs... an d the ir fell ow playe rs. Th e limi ted resou rces ar e repres ented by ***count* ers, whi le th e build ings an d armi es ar e card s. A** numb er of ***resou* rces ar e dra wn eac h tur n an d unus ed resou rces ar e pass ed on** to ***th* e oth er playe rs. Play ers ma y choo se to** go *on* dange rous advent ures or ***enga* ge in** batt les agai nst the ir fell ow play**ers.