Straight to the Bone


Current prices

Early Access Game

Price history

All time low

Who is this for?

This is for people who love pure gameplay and theory crafting builds. This is for the ones who when they are tired, fried, cooked.. and just want a game to provide them with fun without feeling like they paid for a second job.

Enjoy yourself, beat the game, and then once convinced...

High-score your way to the top of your friends list. (they have to look at you)
Cook up a build that grants you that sweet achievement. (real achievements)


  • 5 levels + 1 boss level

  • Roguelike loot system

  • Auto running with manual aim and 45 degree rotation

  • 15 armory upgrades within a quick progression tree

  • 3 classes with an unique ability + unique upgrades

  • 11 Achievements of varying difficulty

  • High score ranking of the top 3 friends within your own friends list

What is this game about?

You're tasked to get to the end as fast as possible.

Skeleton dead = loot.

You will be shooting: arrows, knifes, bolts... Every type will have its own unique features, its own crazy abilities. As well as projectile effects that apply when you hit a skelly. 

Build up in the Armory but choose wisely, diversity means scarcity. Figure out what feels right and how you want to break bones. Everything is possible!

If you want to be the best of the best.. Then be ready for some some R&D (Running & Dying)