
This game is not currently available at any of the stores that Deku Deals tracks.
Snake is a MMO 3D action game with a third-person view. The objective of the game is to control a cute snake around a map and eat apples, defeating other players to grow the largest and longest in the game.
Player-driven development is at the very core of Snake to make it more fun based on deep insights into audience expectations.
One of its main features is “hardcore lifetime progression”; survival is key. Let the lifetime Snake challenge begin!
Deep in the heart of the ocean lies a mysterious land inhabited by slithering snakes. To grow and thrive, they feast on juicy apples scattered around. But don't be fooled by their seemingly happy coexistence — these snakes are in constant competition for survival!
Beware: danger lurks around every corner. Sneaky opponents may try to cut off your path, causing your length to dwindle away until you meet a bitter end. Don't despair, though: you can outsmart your foes and secure your progress by discovering the secrets of the realm.
Rumor has it that there's a way to transform your snake into something stronger and more formidable. But it's a secret that's been carefully guarded by the islands' inhabitants. Will you be the one to uncover their mysteries and emerge victorious? The future of your snake is up to you!
Game controls
ESC - Game menu
WAD (or correspondent arrow keys) - Move forward, turn left, turn right
V - Change camera view
Space - Open snake's mouth when alive, respawn otherwise
F11 - Full screen mode
Free to look
Mouse scroll up/down - Camera zoom in/out
We hope you enjoy our game and look forward to playing together. Good luck and have fun!