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Get your free Hero Selection Coupon!
Simply download this DLC and a Hero Selection Coupon will be sent to your "Steam Storage".
Only 1 will be sent per account, so be careful about which nickname and server you select before sending!
Free DLC Available: June 11, 2020 - July 9, 2020 at 22:00 (PDT)
[How to use the DLC]
1) Login to the server you want to use the DLC in.
2) Go to [Storage]-[Steam Storage] then click the "Use" button on the product you would like to use.
3) The items will be sent to your [Mailbox]. Click "Receive" in your mailbox.
4) Now the item will be in your [Shop Storage]. When you use the DLC in the Shop Storage, you will be given 1 "[DLC] Hero Selection Coupon."
5) Each "[DLC] Hero Selection Coupon" can be used to unlock a hero of your choice to have unlimited access to that hero.