Japanese Anime Voices:Male Character Series Vol.5

DLC for RPG Maker VX Ace


  • Release date: February 20, 2020
  • Developer: TK.Projects
  • Publisher: KOMODO
  • Platforms: Steam

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Give your male Japanese characters even more dialogue with Japanese Anime Voices:Male Character Series Vol.5 from TK Projects!

Following the very popular Japanese Anime Voice series this pack will expand your project with more exciting and fun Japanese male anime-voices speaking very usable Japanese phrases!

Bring your anime characters to life with these common, everyday vocal phrases for Damage, Run Away, Laugh, Anger... and many, many more!


* 126 Japanese animation-like male voices (phrases)
* OGG, M4A formats included
* Male voices (in Japanese phrases) for Visual Novel Games, RPG and much more!
* English translation list included
* For use in RPG Makers and Visual Novel Maker or the engines of your choice!


  1. 001_Start1.wav やれやれ Good grief
  2. 002_Start2.wav 面倒事だ What a pain
  3. 003_Victory1.wav さっさといくぞ Let's keep moving!
  4. 004_Victory2.wav ふぅ、一息入れるか Phew, could I have a breather?
  5. 005_Follow1.wav 了解だ Understood
  6. 006_Follow2.wav 任せてくれ Just leave it to me
  7. 007_Choice1.wav さぁて、どうする? Now then, what to do
  8. 008_Choice2.wav 決めてくれ Make a decision
  9. 009_Runaway1.wav 逃げるが勝ちだ Escape is a victory in itself
  10. 010_Runaway2.wav 無駄な争いだ A futile battle
  11. 011_Tool use1.wav これを使え Use this
  12. 012_Tool use2.wav 無理はすんな Don't push yourself
  13. 013_Healthy turn1.wav 俺の番か My turn is it?
  14. 014_Healthy turn2.wav いっちょやるか You wanna go a round?
  15. 015_Dying turn1.wav ちとやべぇな This is kinda bad
  16. 016_Dying turn2.wav ったくよぉ For goodness sake
  17. 017_Abnormal state turn1.wav ふらふらすんぜ I feel dizzy...
  18. 018_Abnormal state turn2.wav これしきのことで To such a measly thing...
  19. 019_Unable to fight1.wav もう、だめか It seems this is it...
  20. 020_Unable to fight2.wav 後は頼んだぜ The rest is up to you
  21. 021_Damage1.wav く Kuh
  22. 022_Damage2.wav っくそ Gh, damn
  23. 023_Damage3.wav ちぃ Tch
  24. 024_Damage4.wav いてぇ Ow
  25. 025_Damage5.wav っつ Ngh-
  26. 026_Large damage1.wav ぐああ Guah
  27. 027_Large damage2.wav くそが Damn it
  28. 028_Large damage3.wav いってぇ That stings
  29. 029_Large damage4.wav くぅううう Ughhhh
  30. 030_Large damage5.wav きくぜぇ That'll leave a mark
  31. 031_No damage1.wav 効かねえな Looks like that didn't work
  32. 032_No damage2.wav 今なんかしたか? Did you do something just now?
  33. 033_Weak attack1.wav よっ Yo-
  34. 034_Weak attack2.wav ほっ Ho-
  35. 035_Weak attack3.wav はっ Ha-
  36. 036_Weak attack4.wav ふっ Fuh-
  37. 037_Weak attack5.wav そらっ Hya-
  38. 038_Medium attack1.wav よいしょ Here I-
  39. 039_Medium attack2.wav おらよ Think fast
  40. 040_Medium attack3.wav どらぁ Dorya-
  41. 041_Medium attack4.wav ふんっ Hmph-
  42. 042_Medium attack5.wav これでっ With this-
  43. 043_Strong attack1.wav どっこいしょ Taaake this
  44. 044_Strong attack2.wav おらよぉおお Hey dumbass
  45. 045_Strong attack3.wav どっらぁああ Doryaaaah-
  46. 046_Strong attack4.wav おわりだぁ This is the end for you
  47. 047_Strong attack5.wav くたばれぇ Go to hell!
  48. 048_Recover1.wav 平気か? You OK?
  49. 049_Recover2.wav 手を貸すぞ Take my hand
  50. 050_Recover3.wav まだいけるか? Still alive and kicking?
  51. 051_Ok1.wav おう Yes
  52. 052_Ok2.wav ああ Yeah
  53. 053_Ok3.wav かしこまりだ As you wish
  54. 054_Deny1.wav いや No
  55. 055_Deny2.wav ふぅむ Hmm
  56. 056_Deny3.wav 断る I refuse
  57. 057_Aha1.wav ほぉ Hm
  58. 058_Aha2.wav そうか Is that so?
  59. 059_Aha3.wav なるほど I see
  60. 060_Reply1.wav なんだ? What?
  61. 061_Reply2.wav どうした? What's wrong?
  62. 062_Reply3.wav よんだか? You called me?
  63. 063_Discover1.wav ん? Mm?
  64. 064_Discover2.wav おや? Oh?
  65. 065_Discover3.wav はっ Hah-
  66. 066_Thinking1.wav ふーむ Hmmm
  67. 067_Thinking2.wav そうだな I suppose
  68. 068_Thinking3.wav あぁん? Ah?
  69. 069_Thinking4.wav ええと? Umm?
  70. 070_Suspicious1.wav んー? Hm-?
  71. 071_Suspicious2.wav 変だな Weird
  72. 072_Joy1.wav よぉし Alright!
  73. 073_Joy2.wav おっけぇ OK!
  74. 074_Joy3.wav やったな I did it!
  75. 075_Anger1.wav なんだと What!?
  76. 076_Anger2.wav あのよぉ Hey...
  77. 077_Feel down1.wav あーあ *sigh*
  78. 078_Feel down2.wav まいったぜ I give up...
  79. 079_Shyness1.wav おっとと Uh-oh
  80. 080_Shyness2.wav ま、まぁな Y-Yeah...
  81. 081_Satisfaction1.wav おっけぇい OK!!
  82. 082_Satisfaction2.wav これでよしっ This should be good!
  83. 083_Shy1.wav よせよ Cut it out
  84. 084_Shy2.wav てれるぜ You're making me all shy
  85. 085_Surprise1.wav なっ Wha-
  86. 086_Surprise2.wav なにっ What the-
  87. 087_Laugh1.wav はははっ Hahaha
  88. 088_Laugh2.wav ふふはははっ Pffhahahaha
  89. 089_Bitter smile1.wav あー、はは、は A-Haha, ha
  90. 090_Bitter smile2.wav ほ、ほぉおん Ho-ho
  91. 091_Grin1.wav へへっ Hehe
  92. 092_Grin2.wav そうかい Oh yeah?
  93. 093_Weep1.wav う、うう、ううう... Ngh, ughh, ugh
  94. 094_Weep2.wav くそったれぇ... Damn it...
  95. 095_Thank you1.wav たすかった Appreciate it
  96. 096_Thank you2.wav ありがとう Thanks
  97. 097_Praise1.wav やるなぁ Nice job
  98. 098_Praise2.wav いいじゃねぇの Heey, pretty good
  99. 099_Apologize1.wav 悪いな My bad
  100. 100_Apologize2.wav ごめんな Sorry
  101. 101_Amazed1.wav やれやれだ Good grief
  102. 102_Amazed2.wav はぁ~あ Haa-
  103. 103_Abuse1.wav だからよぉ I'm telling you
  104. 104_Abuse2.wav ダメだろ You know that's no good
  105. 105_Request1.wav たのむよ I'm counting on you
  106. 106_Request2.wav そこをなんとか You've gotta think of something
  107. 107_Hello1.wav おう Yo
  108. 108_Hello2.wav 調子はどうだ? How you feeling?
  109. 109_Call1.wav おーい Oii!
  110. 110_Call2.wav 聞いてくれ Hey, listen
  111. 111_Call strongly1.wav おいってば I said "Oii!"
  112. 112_Call strongly2.wav 頼むぜぇ I'm counting on you!
  113. 113_Watch out1.wav あぶねぇ! Watch out!
  114. 114_Watch out2.wav 気をつけろ Be careful!
  115. 115_Hold1.wav よっと Hyup
  116. 116_Hold2.wav んんっ Nnn
  117. 117_Hand over1.wav ほら Here
  118. 118_Hand over2.wav やるよ For you
  119. 119_Get shocked1.wav なにっ What-
  120. 120_Get shocked2.wav そ、そんな That- that's...
  121. 121_Good bye1.wav またな See you
  122. 122_Good bye2.wav さよならだ Goodbye
  123. 123_growth_Enhanced1.wav 肩が軽いぜ My shoulders are feeling a little lighter
  124. 124_growth_Enhanced2.wav ぱわーあっぷだ I'm getting more powerful!
  125. 125_growth_Level up1.wav 一歩ずつだな One step at a time
  126. 126_growth_Level up2.wav 地道に行こうや Stay grounded and press on