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You’re playing Ragnarök for ages?
Woe, PvP and Gameplay have no more secret for you?
This DLC is for you!
It combines everything you need to be one of the best kingdom player!
Package includes:
- 1X Fashion Costume Box (N°3): A Box that allow you to obtain randomly an old-fashioned equipment as a costume.
- 1X Husky Hat: A hat made to look like a husky's face. Makes you want to pet it. ATK + 5%, MATK +5%. When physically attacked, adds 1% chance to cast Wind Walk Level 5. For every refine, increases chance to cast Wind Walk by 0.3%
- 1X Ura Shishou : A box sealed by magic who will summon an unknown item. Give it to Bandit Manchot in the Market House who’s the only one to be able to break the seal of this box.
- 10X Blue Herb Box : Blue herbs are compressed in the box. Please take care to open it.
- 10X Party Assumptio 5 Scroll: A scroll in which a single use of Level 5 Party Assumptio has been recorded.Will cast on all party members within a certain range.
- 10X Party Blessing 10 Scroll: A scroll in which a single use of Level 10 Party Blessing has been recorded. Will cast on all party members within a certain range.
- 10X Party Increase Agi 10 Scroll: A scroll in which a single use of Level 10 Party Increase AGI has been recorded. Will cast on all party members within a certain range.
- 5X Ghostring Scroll : A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Ghostring. Gives Ghost property to a character for 1 minute.
- 5X Orc Hero Scroll : A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Orc Hero. Immunity to Stun for 1 minute.
- 5X Mistress Scroll: A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Mistress. Enables of casting certain spells without gemstones for 3 minutes. Increases SP Consumption of skills by 25%.
- 5X Orc Lord Scroll : A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Orc Lord. Reflects 30% of all physical damage taken for 3 minutes.
- 5X Tao Gunka Scroll: A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Tao Gunka. For 3 minutes MaxHP + 100%, DEF -50, MDEF -50.
- 1X STR Biscuit Stick Box: A box contains 20 STR Bicuit Stick. A special stick-shaped snack. STR + 15 for 30 min. As a bonus, Random ATK(11~111) will be increased for 10 min.
- 1X VIT Biscuit Stick Box: A box contains 20 VIT Bicuit Stick. A special stick-shaped snack. VIT+15 for 30 min. As a bonus, Random (11 ~ 33%) amount of HP will be recovered when this item consumed.
- 1X AGI Biscuit Stick Box: A box contains 20 AGI Bicuit Stick. A special stick-shaped snack. AGI+15 for 30 min. As a bonus, Random (11~33) FLEE will be increased for 10 min.
- 1X INT Biscuit Stick Box: A box contains 20 INT Bicuit Stick. A special stick-shaped snack. INT+15 for 30 min. As a bonus, Random (11~111) MATK will be increased for 10 min.
- 1X DEX Biscuit Stick Box: A box contains 20 DEX Bicuit Stick. A special stick-shaped snack. DEX+15 for 30 min. As a bonus, Random (11~33) HIT will be increased for 10 min.
- 1X LUK Biscuit Stick Box: A box contains 20 LUK Bicuit Stick. A special stick-shaped snack. LUK+15 for 30 min. As a bonus, Random (11~33) amount of CRI will be increased for 10 min.
Once you have purchased the box from the Steam Store, validate the transfer on your Ragnarök Europe Website account manager then travel to the Prontera’s Fountain. You’ll see a NPC named “Item Distributor” talk to him and he will give you your items.