Phantasy Star Online 2 – 100(+20 Bonus)SG Exchange Ticket



This item is not currently available at any of the stores that Deku Deals tracks.

Price history

All time low

This is the Phantasy Star Online 2 exclusive in-game currency 100 (+20 Bonus!) StarGem (SG) Exchange Ticket.
(20SG out of the SG given is bonus SG.)

・By purchasing this exchange ticket, and by logging into Phantasy Star Online 2,
you will be able to obtain 120SG in-game currency. The Exchange Ticket is not an item that can be used in-game. SG will be rewarded automatically upon purchasing it and several seconds after logging in. Please confirm the transaction in the Log Window.

・You can use SG for SG content in Phantasy Star Online 2.

・SG is the exclusive in-game currency for Phantasy Star Online 2.
 This cannot be used in other services, including the Japanese service.

・Phantasy Star Online 2 is required in order to use this content.
 Please update to the latest patch before using this content.