Hyper Knights: Battles


Current prices

$0.99 -80%
Matches previous low
Sale ends March 20

Price history

All time low
$0.99 (-80%)

Spartans vs Persians, Ogres vs Chickens, Marines vs Archers. Who will win?

Create your own units by drawing the sprites, creating the animations and writing their AI.

Want to make a Goose that can teleport and stuns enemies? You can!
Want to make a Space Ninja that can push and pull enemies while attacking them with lightning? You can!
Want to make a Super Hero that can solo 1,000 enemies? You can!
Your imagination is the limit!

Features 11 Default Unit Types: Minion, Shielder, Archer, Chuck Boris, Space Ninja, Spartan, Persian, Ogre, Chicken, Marine, Zombie

Share your Units in the Workshop and check out what others have built.

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