

Current prices

$10.04 -33%
Matches previous low
Sale ends March 20

Price history

All time low
$10.04 (-33%)

Help Greg stay healthy during an epidemic as he jumps, hovers and cleans his way through quarantine with his disinfectant jetpack.Witness his developing mysophobia * express itself in the increasingly difficult game play, and replay the game to master the mechanics or search for more story bits.

*(fear of contamination)

  • Five unique stages with over 500 rooms!
  • An additional hardmode for every stage!
  • Designed with accessibility and speedrunning in mind!

  • Amazing game feel through the precise yet permissive jetpack mechanic!

  • A respectful, well researched deep dive into life with a debilitating mental disorder!

  • A gripping soundtrack including tracks from award-winning composer Sam Shandley!

  • Full button remapping

  • Infinite fuel mode and invincibility mode

  • Options to control screenshake, rumble and brightness

  • Playable with colour blindness

  • Option to turn on fixed jump height

  • Option to turn off glitch effects

  • Option to turn off backgrounds

  • Option to turn on high contrast fuel

  • Option to turn off transition animations

  • A unique fall assistant that shows you whether you are about to land on danger

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