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Demo Version Disclaimer
This is a prerelease version, and not reflective of the final product. You may experience issues that will not be present upon release. Music and other content is not finalized and may be subject to change.
The demo will release in three parts; the first part is out now, with the second to follow next week, and a special third part will be released during Anime Expo!
About the Game
fault - SILENCE THE PEDANT is a Cinematic Visual Novel with Point and Click Adventure elements that takes place 5 years before the events of fault - milestone one. After her grandfather, the Royal Guardian to the king, loses his life in the line of duty, Ritona starts to become disillusioned with the notion of honor and duty to serve one’s country.
Why would one devote their life to a King or a Princess that ultimately has no emotional bearing to their lives?
What is honor, and what is devotion?
What does it mean to be patriotic?
A 14-year-old successor to the title of Royal Guardian struggles with these questions.
Playing through fault - milestone one and milestone two side:above is advised, but not required.