Mythic Monsters #8: Abyssal (PFRPG)

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Mythic Monsters #8: Abyssal

The eighth volume in our Mythic Monsters series, Mythic Monsters: Abyssal brings you a dozen and one Abyssal abominations from the deepest reaches of those infinite layers, where demons rightly fear to tread. Here you will find the eldest and fatherless qlippoth, the proto-demons spawned when the universe was young and that set in motion the devouring awfulness that is the Abyss itself. You will find also the demodands, godless mockeries forged by the cruelest titans, thwarted in their ascension to true divinity and raging against the heavens through their fiendish creations. Still other prowlers and predators of the plane of chaos and evil roam here, numbering twelve in all and updated for the mythic rules, and when we say updated we mean complete stat blocks, yes, but more than that every creature of chaos and emissary of evil has its own unique and exciting new mythic abilities, from a mythic baregara's terrifying challenge and beheading grapple to the faith-stealing strike and where is your god now abilities of a mythic noble slimy demodand!

This product includes mythic versions of all three types of demodands and five qlippoth, along with planar predators like the baregara and bebilith alongside deviant monstrosities that carry the tainted corruption of the Abyss with them into the material plane, like the terrifying kakuen-taka, covering CRs from 3 to 23. In addition to a dozen existing otherworldly foes, Mythic Monsters: Abyssal also contains an extensive in-character introduction to the warring and fiend-races of the Abyss in general, and the binding of the terrifying qlippoth in particular, with special runestone rituals for the binding of each. To top it all off, Mythic Monsters: Abyssal introduces an entirely new 13th mythic monster, the demon-devouring vermicious horror that is the ylrygoi qlippoth, ever on the hunt for the hosts in which to implant its shoggti tadpoles with its waving throng of stinger-necks akin in appearance to a headless hydra, if its heads were made of deadly scorpion's tails!

The Mythic Monsters series from Legendary Games brings you dynamic and exciting mechanics alongside evocative and cinematic new abilities that really help creatures live up to their flavor text, whether they are creatures of real-world myth and legend or creatures born out of the RPG tradition itself. These creatures can work just as well in a non-mythic campaign as they do in one that incorporates the full mythic rules, as you can throw them at your jaded players who think they’ve seen it all or know the standard monster stats as well as you do. That look of surprise and “What was THAT?” will warm any GM’s heart.

This mythic monster supplement supplement is a terrific complement to the Mythic Monster Manual, with over 220 mythic monsters and an awesome array of monster-focused abilities, feats, and more for your Pathfinder game! Pick up both books today and Make Your Game Legendary!

Conversion by: Tony Lindberg

Released on September 17, 2017. Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 3.2.2 and higher.

Requirements: An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Full or Ultimate license and the included Pathfinder ruleset.