Explorer's Camping Kit - Camping Gear

DLC for Dragon's Dogma 2


Current prices

$2.39 -20%
Matches previous low
Sale ends March 24
Xbox X|S

Price history

All time low
Steam $2.39 (-20%)
Xbox X|S $2.39 (-20%)
PS5 $2.39 (-20%)

Note: There are other set products which include this product. Please be aware of duplicate purchases.
The base game is required to use the items in this set. Please make sure you have updated to the latest version.

Gain one special camping kit, and make them available for purchase at shops in-game. Efficient without being unduly weighty, this camping kit is favored by explorers traveling far afield.

Note: After purchase, the content will appear in your in-game storage after staying at an inn. Speak to an innkeeper to view your storage.