100 hidden frogs 2


Current prices

$0.79 -80%
Matches previous low
Sale ends March 20

Price history

All time low
$0.79 (-80%)

Game by Аnatoliy Loginovskikh

This is the first 3D game in the "100 hidden objects" series.

Important information

  • Press "Del" then "Exit" to RESET ALL ACHIEVEMENT and restart the game.
    It is recommended to restart Steam Client after resetting achievements.
  • You can use the mouse or "WASD" to move around the location.
  • The game has automatic saves associated with achievements.
  • If you have continued the game, please wait until the frogs (score) have loaded.

100 hidden frogs 2 is a hidden object game in the magic medieval setting.
Colorful 3D graphics. A level that can be viewed from all sides.
It's a fun but challenging adventure.

Can you find 100 frogs? Just click on the frog!
Take care of your nerves!